Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Students are better to live away from parents rather than staying with them while studying at a university. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Living environment has a great influence on students’ life, especially in academic year at university. Changing our lives from high school to university maybe difficult and the decision to live away from parents has to be made. Some have an opinion that students at university level better not to stay in their home. There are some good points and bad points of living away from parents while studying at a university.

First of all, it makes you more independent. For instance, it provides you a lot of opportunities to learn qualities such as punctuality, cleanliness, self -care and so on. Students organize their work without their parents' instructions, and at the same time they can find out time for their recreational activities. Another reason that they can interact with students from different family background, they learn how to maintain relationship with different kinds of people. They learn importance of co-operation in social life. More importantly, living away from home provides you a college experience. It is hard to get a true college experience when living with your parents because it is not exactly the real world. So, living away from home can be a good learning experience and one that can help you begin to manage your own financial resources. Furthermore, it makes you feel more freedom. Besides, you can decide what to do or not to do by yourself. You can decide to buy something that you really need without asking your parents.   You can also decide what subject or major that you want to study and want to be in the future. 

Moreover, living far away from home helps you improve your knowledge. This part, students can concentrate more on their studies. Even lazy students may be persuaded to do their homework when others are engaged with the studies. Combine studies are the positive aspect of hostel life. At the time of examinations students gathered together to study their lessons. This is because they do not feel any boredom with their study and they can also clarify their doubts instantly with their companions. So, when students stay together they can improve their academic skills. In addition, living far away from home can teach you the invaluable lesson of living in harmony with other people. We learn to live with many roommates, and sometimes, bear with their bad habits. We learn to tolerate, as well as respect others. Apparently, it is like you are living in a small society, and this will help you a lot in getting along with people later in your career.

However, too many students coming from distant provinces, the experience of living away from home may be one of the most difficult parts in their university life. This can be really unforgettable and exciting, and at the same time, it also provides us some problems that we have to face while attending university. The major, and also a very common, problem that students have to face is that once we start a regular life away from home, we always get homesick. Missing our family and the attention they paid to us is a very usual thing to do. We can even miss little moments that we share with our family, such as sitting together in a couch watching TV shows, or telling your parents about your school day during family meals, and coming home from schools, greeting your parents, Mom, Dad, Im home!. Besides, we often miss all the facilities we used to have back at home, like our bedrooms, our beloved bed, our stuffed animals, and even our bathrooms. As a result, we start to realize how valuable our family are, and appreciate everything we had back where we used to belong. What’s more, once we live far away from home, we have to learn how to do things by ourselves. Say goodbye to the carefree life, and step into a life full of duties. Now we have to worry about every aspects of our life, from bigger ones such as balancing our budget to smaller tasks like cleaning our rooms, doing our washing up, or cooking our own meals. 

Another problem is costs of living. When you live at home, you don’t worry about paying anything, but when you stay away from home, you have to pay everything such as renting house and daily food. You don’t have enough resources for living. You don’t have enough tools, equipment, and modern thing to use. What’s more, a university education is becoming almost expensive. So, Living with parents is the smartest money saving decision you can make. One more, living away from parents offer an uncontrolled environment for students where they can do whatever they want. So there may be greater chances to do some mischievous activities. If students stay in their home, they will be under the strict supervision of their parents. In addition, some students start to do smoking and drink alcohol with their hostel life. 

To sum up, although living away from parents while studying university has some problems, it provides you a lot of benefits such as independent, have more relationship, experience life by yourself, freedom and an opportunity to improve your knowledge. In my opinion, living far away from parents can be difficult at the beginning, but I strongly believe that if there is a strong determination to struggle those difficulties, you will be used to it and many of these problems can be solved.

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