Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Cultivating Inner Peace

People were born to learn and to grow. Growth often occurs when individuals confront problems and no matter how hard the situation is they still struggle to find ways out of problems, and through that struggle, they can develop new aspects of their skills, capacities, and views about life. Life, therefore, is an endless process of creatively moving forward, even if only in small ways.[1] Through life, we can find the true meaning which we can define who we really are. In our daily life, people might have conflicts because they do not know each other clearly, and even themselves. Some people try to end the conflicts by winning others, but they cannot win themselves. All means of peace come from within. Through inner peace, we can spread to others and the whole world.  However, in order to cultivate inner peace, we have to find the land which is we, ourselves. 

Normally, all people were born with strengths and weaknesses. Life sometimes goes up, sometimes goes down, sometimes we get success and sometimes we face failure. However, success is not something inherited and failure is not something we cannot learn.  In fact, success is something that everyone has achieved at one point in their life, and failure is the main factor that builds success.  We fall many times before you succeed.  It’s the failures that give us character and make us that much stronger as a person. It is undeniable that before I reach my current point, I encountered countless difficulties and also many achievements. There are three factors that help generate my success – personality, external support and chance. First of all, I believe I have a good personality. I always have positive thoughts towards myself and others. I have strong commitment and self-motivation. For example, I always make things done by putting much effort and rarely get depression. I have my own disciplines and beliefs. I have clear goal and mission. When I was in grade 2, I was a weak student among many kids in class. I got a very low score in every exam. The result did not make me and my family happy at all. To satisfy my family, I committed myself to study hard to get a good grade. I knew that it was not what I could not do if I put enough effort on it. Since then my life have been improving. My grade gradually becomes better and finally I got the top student in the class. Additionally, was a good leader because I believe in the theory that leadership is not a position; it is a process. It is an observable, understandable, learnable set of skills and practice available to everyone, anywhere in the organization.[2]
I remember when I was in grade 6, my commitment still raised me up. I got the high appreciation as the top student in district after an exam joined by many clever students from other schools. I can say it is the first great achievement I got in my life. Another success for me is when I studied in grade 12. I passed the grade-12 exam with a very good grade. I spent most of my energy and time on studying. Besides, my success was achieved by having a strong support from many people around me, especially my family – either financial or emotional, and actually the chance that was given. However, during my high school time, I also got failure. For instance, when I was in grade 9, I was failed in provincial exam which is a competition for clever students to get the seat in national exam. I knew that it was a big competition and was very challenging. I also believed that my capacity was not enough to win and I was lack of confidence. Moreover, I thought I would not be given a chance to win because of the corruption. I did not encourage myself to do my best and to be well prepared. To me, although it was not a success, it is a very useful lesson learned that I can make improvement. 

According to Stephen R. Covey, nature of man is influenced by three factors – genetic, psychic and environmental influence.  Genetic influence basically comes from our grandparents who did it to us. That’s why we have such a temper. It just goes through the generations and we inherited it. Naturally, I believe I inherited patience and kindness from my grandparents. I can easily control my anger. I was born with peace in mind. I am frightened to make argument or conflict. I realize that this characteristic also applies to my grandparents who are loving kindness and moral. Until now, I have only a few arguments and every argument has been ended peacefully. Second, psychic influence basically comes from our parents who did it to us. Our upbringing, our childhood experience essentially laid out our personal tendencies and our character structure. That’s why we are afraid to be in front of a group. It’s the way our parents brought us up. To me, I really believe in this theory. I am a passive person who always hides my own feeling and usually talk less. When I was young, I was left alone since my parents were busy earning money. I had little time to stay and talk with them. I even rarely went out with friends and relatives because I was assigned a duty to do housework and study. Now I find out that I am shaped by this influence. I am weak in making relationship, communication and connection. I am nervous in talking or expressing my ideas in public. In addition, I always have conflicts with myself when I cannot achieve what I have expected. My parents taught me to be ambitious. Since I was young, I am told to pursue perfectionism, best result and high credit. I sometimes strongly blame on myself and feel terrible if I make any small mistake. Third, environmental influence basically comes from social condition and cultural teaching. Someone or something in our environment is responsible for our situation. For example, In Cambodia, nearly most of people follow Buddhism. We are taught not to discriminate or devalue other religions. We know how to live peacefully with Christians and Islamists. It shows that we have peace through our religion.  

As I am a Buddhist, I really believe in the basic principles of Buddhism. I have grown inner peace through following the four nobles truth and noble eightfold path.[3] Buddha guides me to reduce, weaken and eliminate suffering, hatred, anger, greed and delusion, to have right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, and right mindfulness. I am taught to be aware of my mind and thought, my feeling and emotion. For example, I do good to people to be happy, and I do not harm or hurt other because I am afraid of having sin. I do not revenge people that give harm to me and in contrast I resolve it in peaceful way. For instance, when I was studying in university in the first year, many students in my class hated and was envy to me because I was countryside resident and clever than them. They tried to expel me from the class in as many ways as possible. However, I had tried to be quiet and stay strong, and even tried to be their friend but pulling the gap closer. Finally, I can overcome the problem and they even help me in my studying. Thinking back, I cannot imagine about the result if I fought against them and conflict happened at that time.  Furthermore, education and experience play a very important role in my life.  It helps me to have knowledge, wisdom and morality. It let me understand what life is, and how to have a real peace within myself, society, countries and the world. Through my knowledge, I know that it is the right thing to do when I give value to other people, respect their beliefs and to live with others in peace. I also have a chance to educate people to have peace in mind too. For example, I share what I have learned in class whether the definition of peace, the ways to find peace, the mechanism to conflict resolution and how to cultivate inner peace. 

However, all above three influences are just an option. We have freedom to choose and free of all influences. We can avoid conflict by conducting peace. I now can solve my inner problems because I have revealed it and dark cloud will never stay in my mind any more. Understanding and recognizing my childhood experience help me look for and find the truth about myself. Of course, things can hurt us physically or emotionally and can cause sorrow, but our character, our basic identity, does not have to be hurt at all. In fact, our most difficult experiences become the crucibles that forge our character and develop the internal powers, the freedom to handle difficult circumstances in the future and to inspire others to do so as well. Through our self-awareness and conscience, I become conscious of areas of weakness, areas for improvement, areas of talent that could be developed, areas that need to be changed or eliminated from my life. Then, as I recognize and use my self-awareness, I am making promises, setting goals, and effort to build the strength of character, the being that makes possible every other positive thing in my lives. I set a goal and work to achieve it. As I make and keep commitments, I begin to accept more of the responsibility for my own lives. By making and keeping promises to myself and others, little by little, I hope my honor becomes greater than my moods. The power to make and keep commitments to ourselves is the essence of developing the basic habits of effectiveness.[4] 

To upgrade my capacity and since I am interested in peace field, I have found favorable ways to become peace-builder. I decided to work as volunteer in peace organization because I believe that I can engage myself more in generating and keeping peace for society. I started volunteer work in YFP and now I am sure that I am ready to be an active peace-builder. Volunteer work, like most undertakings, is beginning to assume a more professionalized character.[5] Through this belief, I will try to spread peace as much as I can either in my country or the world. I can say now my level of inner peace is higher than before and I have a strong hope that I will use it in a very effective way. Although being a peace-builder faces many challenges, including overload of social work, threat, lack of support, or becoming victim of violence, I still have firm commitment towards it. Although in the future I work for private company, government sector or NGOs, I will use it to connect with others. It is true that peace can apply everywhere. It does not matter where we are or what organization we are working in, we still can hold and present as a peace-builder. 

All in all, as we live in the same world that is full of opposite interest and desire, and there is a lot of negative energy and craziness in this world, we still can all learn to live with inner peace. If our intention is strong and comes from the deepest part of us, it will happen. Outwardly, nothing changes; peace comes from making changes inside us. Just like ancient Chinese words from a great philosophy, Lao Tzu who teaches us to do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.[6] We have to put our intention, willingness and commitment into implementation or real practice. We will not achieve our goal if we just do it in our imagination. 


[1]  Carl Rogers. Self Theory of Personality Development. Retrived from
[2] Drucker F. Peter :Leader to Leader. Frances Hesselbein and Paul M.Cohen. Jossey-Bass, California.
[3] Philip Wilkinson. Religion
[4] Stephen R. Covey. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
[5] Drucker F. Peter :Leader to Leader. Frances Hesselbein and Paul M.Cohen. Jossey-Bass, California.
[6] Lao Tzu: Success Quotes

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